Thursday, December 2, 2010

Fashions Darkside

The phone rings and every one runs as though the end of the world is happening. No this isn't the next horror movie this was one of the opening seines of the new film "The Devil Wheres Prada". This film is about a young journalist who gets a job at a big name fashion magazin for New York, Miranda Priestly (Meryl Streep). This film was supose to shows the strugle of a girl trying to make her way as a journalist, but what it realy dose is shows the evils of the fashion industry and how they cast a shadow of the " perfect" women.

Friday, November 12, 2010


This week we had to read about the different components of a proper easy. the part that jumpped out at me most was the section on titles. They explained that when creating a title its important not to pick something bland and plane like "my litteracy narritive". Insted chose somthing that will draw the reader in. The only catch to this it you don't want a title that has nothing to do with what your writing about. This stood out so much because it really helped to explain why titlling a composition is so important.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

week 6

This week we did reading on developing and writing Thesis's. It explained how you should always expect your thesis to change and evolve as you compleat more research on your topic.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Reading 9/23/10

We were givin 4 different examples for litterary naritives and they represented the three main styles you can use. After watching all 4 i feel that each person did a great job on what they wrote about. It has helped me to refine what i feel i with use for my own project. Also it has made me realize that i may have to change my topic for the sake of the naritive.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Lit Project

for my project i have chosen to write about my seinor project and the difficultys i had doing it.
i plan to do it as a power point using pictures from the actual project and text from the paper i actualy wrote for it.